Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fighting Robots: The Future Is Here

Robots fighting robots... what more could one ask for? There was a time when Battlebots was gaining popularity but it has since lost its appeal. However, these robots, perhaps because of their human form, are redefining the tech-sport of bot battling. I wish we were this cool in the states. I doubt this would ever really catch on here unless we could make the robots say f*@#, bleed profusely and/or have sex in between matches. For now I'll have to settle for videos on Youtube.

Most of the time these robots fall over and flop around like a fish out of water and yet I am still compelled to watch. Though, every now and then they do pull off some really cool moves. I read that the robot engineers that create these "fight-bots" are having to renovate their designs about every six months to keep up with the increasing pace of the evolution of technology. That is intense. I can't imagine how much money these people must be sinking into such a relatively ridiculous activity but as long as they do I'll be watching.

You can see more at

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